Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Weight Warriors!

CONFESSION TIME... Tony Horton made me CRY! You know that P90X program, the crazy hard one, and the crazy guy who made it -- yeah, I'm talking about HIM!

On Saturday I went to our quarterly Super Saturday and learned that Tony Horton's dad, who recently passed away, used to donate to the Wounded Warrior Project which helps thousands of injured warriors when they return from the battlefield.

Upon his passing, Beachbody came together and decided they'll be donating $5 for every P90 Challenge Pack sold (Tony's newest program!) -- and if that wasn't enough to bring tears to my eyes, they showed us Tony's reaction to this news. Incredible!

Beachbody never ceases to amaze me with their constant giving back -- they are the foundation of the heart and soul of every coach, and the reason we work so hard to change lives. It's all about GIVING BACK!!

And with that, comes my NEWEST challenge group!  

I want to give back – to you, to our warriors – I want to give the OPPORTUNITY to change your life. And I want to get started NOW with Tony Horton and P90!

Is P90 for you??? The answer is YES. P90 is for EVERYONE. The beauty of this program is the MODIFIER! Yes, the workouts are challenging, otherwise, why bother! The program is for ANY fitness level!

So say yes to YOU and join me in the October Weight Warrior challenge group to never spend another winter covered up in baggy sweaters and track pants! 


P90 90-Day Body Transformation for Everyone

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