Friday, August 29, 2014

Real Life Transformation: Carla

1. Tell us, what’s your name?
My name I'd Carla Da Silva and yes I am Portuguese:)

2. Since the start of your transformation, how many inches/pounds have you lost and how long did it take you?
Since I started my transformation in July of 2013 I have lost about 40lbs. I started my journey at a size 14 and now I am a size 6. It took about 6 months to lose all the weight and inches.

3. Why did you choose to make a change in your life?
I think I was tired of trying to lose weight and failing. I saw that Samantha had some success with Beachbody and I was like why not me? I was not comfortable in my own skin and I was tired of being the chubby girl with a cute face.

4. What methods did you use to lose the weight and inches?
With the help of Samantha as my coach, Chalean Extreme and deciding this was going to be a life change and not just something temporary I was able to hit my goals and surpass them.

5. How hard was it to change your eating habits?
I thought it would be difficult to change my eating habits as that was the biggest struggle for me in the past. It was a fairly easy transition because I followed the meal plan in the CLX nutritional guide. I actually find it harder to stay on track now then it was starting out. I had something to prove to people that said I couldn't do it.

6. What sort of support did you have to help you through this new journey?
The challenge group I think was the key component to my success. I am very competitive so the idea of getting a prize for losing weight and participating in group challenges fuelled my fire. I didn't have a lot of support from family at first but now they are on board! I've got everyone making healthier choices!

7. What was the hardest part about this journey?
The hardest part about making the change was going to family functions and not eating everything in sight. I have a big Portuguese family and everything revolves around food!

8. What has kept you motivated to keep going?
Seeing results kept me going and then of course once you create a routine you build a habit. I started out working out 5 days a week with 2 rest days and now I make an effort to work out or do something active daily!

9. What changes do you love most about your new body/life?
I love that I feel so much better! I use to have stomach aches all the time and I had NO energy. I like that I can wear things with confidence now and that I can find clothes in almost any store. Most of all I am happy that I could inspire others to do the same. There is nothing better then paying it forward!

10. So what can we expect from you next?
I am going to start the Body Beast program next so for me the next phase is seeing more muscle definition. I would also like very much to be a certified nutritionist. Nutrition is so important for overall weight loss and people have so many misconceptions about food.

Discover the life changing program that started Carla's journey here:

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