Success Stories


My name is Rachel Warner. I’ve gone from 217 pounds at the beginning of my journey and my weight as of today is 173.4. That’s 43.6 pounds since starting Insanity back in March of 2013. I was sitting on the coach eating a huge bowl of cereal and the Insanity infomercial came on the screen. It was at that moment I decided enough was enough and I made the call to order the program.

When the package came in the mail it was like Christmas but I only had the program alone to keep me motivated and after a couple weeks it was done. I tried again for a couple weeks and again gave in to the changes and the pain that was involved with the program. It wasn’t till I found my coach Samantha who offered to give me extra motivation that I actually used my program and started to see huge results. It was hard for me to change my poor eating habits so my results could have been better but I finally finished. I didn’t only finish I succeeded in doing the program all 63 days without missing a workout and lost 14 pounds and got my lost confidence back.

Once Insanity was finished I shared my results with everyone. I was so proud of what I’d accomplished. Before too long though I started to notice my once fit shape was starting to get soft and my workouts were spaced out further and further. Samantha had mentioned me coaching but it was then that I realized I needed to coach not only to help others but to maintain my results and embrace this new beachbody lifestyle.

I signed up as a coach and decided to get Shakeology and Turbofire for the next part of my journey. Once I included Shakeology the cravings were gone and the weight was coming off easier than before. Coaching is what’s kept me on track and I love inspiring others to do the same. I love this new healthy lifestyle, the friends I’ve made and the positive effect it’s had for my family. What had first started as a way to keep myself on track is now putting gas in the cars and paying for our weekly groceries.

I am currently training to run my first marathon which the old me would have never even thought of. I plan on dropping another 20-30 pounds in the next year and hope to bring this new lifestyle to as many people as possible. The sky is truly the limit!


As a kid I was always in sports, loved being outside and active. Somewhere along the way as I grew up I lost the will to be active and eat properly. I always had the urge to be active, but was too lazy to actually do something.

About 4 years ago, I began dating my boyfriend, and he was a fitness nut! Before dating him, I gained the most weight I had ever gained, and the confidence I had went straight out the door. Prior to us dating I partied on weekends, ate take out almost every day, and stopped thinking about what I was doing to my body. I was having ‘fun’, ‘living life’…I smiled on the outside so what did it matter all the crying on the inside? Fake happy is better than showing you’re not at all…right?

Anyway, my fitness nut boyfriend would spend so much time at the gym, and I could never understand what it was that kept him there for hours on end - but decided I should figure it out. In October 2010 I joined the gym. At first I was avid at going, started to see changes right away and felt great about myself! I thought "sweet! I get it! It’s this feeling that keeps him here!"  But after a while, it seemed my exercise of choice – the treadmill, just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I didn’t know what else to do at the gym; even though my boyfriend showed me numerous times, and had no confidence to actually DO any other exercises because I felt silly – and like everyone was watching me!

Of course I lost the will again, and wasted hundreds of dollars on my gym membership and didn’t go. I used the excuse of not having time, being too tired, not knowing what to do…and continually said “I’ll go back”, but never did.

Soon my boyfriend started leaning out, and being serious about his eating and fitness…and it got to a point where our weights were just way too close for comfort. I needed to do something. Watching him lean out, not fitting into clothes he used to wear, and being the happiest guy – made me realize, it’s time to make a change.

I had talked to my coach, Samantha, about Beach Body before, but wasn’t ready – I thought I was but I didn’t want to commit. She let me be, and didn’t pressure – but kept posting her results. And MAN, was I jealous. I saw how happy she was, how great she looked – and wanted her life.
So I reached out. I was ready this time!

Even though I’m new at this, Beach Body Coaching and the Beach Body programs have begun to change my life. I get to excite people about becoming the best version of them, as I work to become the best version of me! The support and interest of those who WANT to CHANGE their lives is incredible, and it is incredible the feeling I get when someone asks me what I’m doing.

I know it isn’t going to be easy, but I know I’M WORTH IT! I deserve to be the best version of me, and feel confident in the skin I was given…and so does everyone in this world! My journey has just begun, but I know my goals, what I want from life, and know through Beach Body & Beach Body Coaching I will achieve those goals! 


I started my health and fitness journey back in July 2013 with the help of my coach Samantha. Before I started I weighed 188 pounds and was a size 14! I wasn’t depressed about the way I looked but I wasn’t exactly happy about it either. Seeing all the cute things other girls got to wear and being uncomfortable in a bathing suit is what first pushed me to reach out to Samantha.

The first time I sent Sam a message I think she was doing a challenge group for the insanity program. I was interested but still not 100% sure I was going to spend the money and commit myself to the challenge. Second time around Sam was running a challenge group with the Chalean Extreme program. I again was thinking about reaching out to her and asking her to provide more details on it. Before I got a chance to do so Sam sent me a message! That’s when I knew it was meant to be and I should just do what needed to be done to start my journey.

So in July the challenge group started; I had made myself a meal plan from the Chalean program, done all my grocery shopping and picked the perfect time of day to work out so I would commit myself to it 100% of the time. I was really excited to start and I actually told everyone around what I was doing so they were aware that I was not going to be indulging in the foods I normally ate with them. The one thing I remember and the one thing I know gave me the extra push to do this and succeed was my mother saying to me “You are not going to stick with this…I know you, you are going to give up in 2 weeks”. THAT is what changed it all for me because I didn’t want to be the person who gave up after trying something for only two weeks; THAT is what made me realize that this wasn’t going to be just 3 months and I was done…what I needed was to change my life.

After the challenge was over I had lost 27 pounds and was wearing a size 10. I was incredibly proud of myself for losing the weight and winning the challenge but I was not done. I purchased Turbo Fire before the end of the challenge so I could start a hybrid schedule of Chalean and Turbo. This meant committing myself to a program for another 4 months. But by that point I had built a habit and I was really looking forward to trying something new.
I finished the hybrid program at the end of January 2014 and I had lost in total 43 pounds and I was wearing a size 6! By that point there was no turning back. I was no longer following a specific meal plan but I was overall eating much healthier and cleaner. I was getting my workouts in…in fact I never missed a day throughout each program. I felt incredibly happy that I had made the change and also to have inspired some of my family members to make changes in their life.

The one thing that came out of this that made me the happiest was how much more positive I had become. Slowly I realized all I could think about was how can I do more? How can I make my life more about health and fitness so I stick to this new lifestyle? I reached out to my coach again and asked her about joining another challenge group she was running. This was more so to keep me accountable because I thought what I needed was to be challenged and to compete. It wasn’t until a few people around me mentioned that I should be a coach that I realized what was missing. After two weeks of being in the challenge group I sent Sam a message and asked her for more details about coaching.

One week later and I am now officially a coach and I am ready to inspire others to change their life! I hope to make the same changed in others that I have made in myself because this is by far the happiest I have been in a very long time!

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